Members, students and community partners are encouraged to attend and participate in agromedicine-related conferences.
Support for participation may be available through the Institute on a limited basis.
Recommendations for other conferences to be added to the list are welcome. Inquiries about conference support or recommendations for the conference list should be directed to the Institute at 252-744-1008.
Spring Conferences
North Carolina Agromedicine Institute: Agricultural Health and Safety Symposium
- Biennial meeting held in the Spring
- Location rotates throughout North Carolina
- Opportunities for oral and poster presentations
- Students are strongly encouraged to participate
For more information:
National Training Workshop –AgrAbility
- Annual meeting held in March
- Location rotates throughout the US
- Scholarships for individuals farming with a disability
- Faculty and students encouraged to submit oral and poster abstracts
For more information:
AgrAbility National Training Workshop
North Carolina Farmworker Institute Summit & Networking Event
- Annual state meeting held in April in Chapel Hill, NC
- Workshop proposal deadline is March
For more information:
Association of Prevention Teaching and Research
- Annual meeting held in March or April
- Location rotates throughout the US
For more information:
Visit TeachingPrevention.org
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Carolinas Conference
- Held twice a year: Spring conference in March; Fall conference in September
- Location rotates between North and South Carolina
For more information:
Upcoming AIHA Meetings
Summer Conferences
American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo (AIHce)
- Rotation rotates throughout the US
- Annual meeting held in May or June
For more information:
AIHce Events
International Society for Agricultural Safety & Health
- Annual international meeting held in June
- Location rotates throughout the US and Canada
- Oral presentation proposal deadline is usually in February. Poster presentation proposal deadline is usually in March.
- Reduced registration fee for students. Conference scholarship opportunity also available for students attending and presenting
For more information:
ISASH Upcoming Conferences
American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers
- Annual meeting held in July
- Location rotates throughout the US
For more information:
ASABE Events
Rural Mental Health Association
- Annual meeting held in August
- Location rotates throughout the US
For more information:
Rural Mental Health Association Conference
National Rural Health Association
- Annual meeting held in August
- Location rotates throughout the US
For more information:
NRHA Events
Fall Conferences
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Carolinas Conference
- Held twice a year: Fall conference in September; Spring conference in March
- Location rotates between North and South Carolina
For more information:
AIHA Carolinas Conference
East Coast Migrant Stream Forum
- Annual regional meeting held in October
- Location rotates throughout the US
- Workshop proposal deadline is May.
- Registration fee is waived and travel is partially covered for the primary presenter
For more information:
East Coast Migrant Stream Forum
American Public Health Association
- Annual meeting held in October or November
- Location rotates throughout the US
For more information:
APHA Annual Meeting
Agromedicine researchers represent many diverse disciplines and research interests. This is reflected in the journals they publish in.
Although the journal list found here is not exhaustive, individuals are encouraged to consider the list when conducting literature reviews and submitting manuscripts for publication.
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Program
- Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Sector Council
- National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
- Total Worker Health
One Health
Proposal Submission
The Institute welcomes the opportunity to assist Members, students, community partners and others with proposal development. Assistance comes in many forms – discussing & refining ideas, facilitating partnerships with other researchers and/or target populations, reviewing proposals and providing letters of support.
Affiliation of proposals with the Institute in eTracs (ECU), PINS (NCSU) or RamSes (NCAT), helps with reporting of agromedicine-related research at the respective institutions as well as to the UNC General Administration.
At ECU, proposal affiliation also generates the return of a portion of facilities and administration (F&A) or in-direct costs to the Institute. These funds are used to support Member and student pilot projects, conferences, publication costs, equipment and other research-related activities.
Unsure of how to affiliate a proposal with the Institute in the grants system?
Contact the Institute Director at ECU, Robin Tutor, tutorr@ecu.edu,
the Campus Coordinator at NCSU, Greg Cope, greg_cope@ncsu.edu,
or NCAT, Crystal Kyle, cakyle@ncat.edu, or your institution’s research office.
- Childhood Agricultural Injuries in the US: 2019 Fact Sheet
- US Bureau of Labor Statistics
- NC Department of Labor
Click on Occupational Fatality Inspection Reports (OFIR) by year. At the bottom of the Excel spread sheet, select tab for Asheville, Charlotte, Raleigh, Wilmington or Winston Salem. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing fatalities are highlighted in orange. - NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services – Agricultural Statistics Division
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service