The North Carolina Agromedicine Institute is committed to providing research assistantships for undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students.
These positions enable students to work with leading scientists on projects addressing ecological, epidemiological, and community-based rural health and safety issues through the application of ethical research methods in diverse agricultural environments.
Selection for research assistantships is competitive, and successful candidates will have the opportunity to design, implement, analyze, and report research findings, contributing as valued members of their research teams.
Achievements may include regional, state, or national presentations and co-authorship in published manuscripts.
Undergraduate Education
Are you looking to fulfill service learning, volunteer, or internship requirements for your undergraduate course? Contact us for more information about undergraduate opportunities.
Graduate Education
Although the North Carolina Institute is not an academic unit, its faculty, staff, and members are integrated with their respective academic units, serving as adjunct faculty or guest instructors. The Institute is developing an online graduate certificate program in agricultural safety and health. For more information, contact the Institute at 252-744-1008.
The Institute offers the following academic courses:
- ECU: Fundamentals of Agromedicine (PDF flyer)
- NCSU: Agricultural Chemical Risk Assessment (PDF flyer)
Interested in an independent study, internship, or another project? Explore the possibilities with us.
Continuing Education
2019 Agricultural Health and Safety Symposium
Engage with a series of insightful presentations from the symposium:
- Interacting with employers to enhance child youth safety in agriculture – Lee
- Let’s Help Keep Farmers, their Families, and Workers Alive and Well in Agriculture by Donham
- Pursuing Health: Building Bridges in Research & Education through 30 Years of Agromedicine Partnerships by Paul James MD
- Epidemiological Approaches for Food Safety by Williams & Ajayi (PDF)
- ASHCE: Aging in Agriculture: 3-Assessing the Safety and Health of Aging Agricultural Populations
- ASHCE: Respiratory Illnesses in Agricultural Populations
- ASHCE: Respiratory Medical Evaluation
- ASHCE: Agricultural Behavioral Healthcare for Family Farm Systems
- ASHCE: Agricultural Behavioral Healthcare for Family Farm Systems – The Farmworkers
- ASHCE: Injuries from Physical Agents: Vibration and Thermal Exposure
- ASHCE: Occupational Health Assessment & Care
- ASHCE: Veterinary Biologicals & Regulatory Oversight
- Farm Toxicology for Primary Care – Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisoning
Online Continuing Education
Visit our dedicated online portal for comprehensive courses in agricultural safety and health: