NC Agromedicine Institute
Welcome to the North Carolina Agromedicine Institute, a University of North Carolina inter-institutional institute whose partners are East Carolina University, North Carolina State University, and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. In addition to our university partners, the Institute relies heavily on its collaborative partnerships with the agricultural community, other universities, businesses, health care organizations, governmental agencies, and non-governmental organizations who are dedicated to identifying and addressing the health and safety risks of farmers, foresters, fishermen, their families and communities in North Carolina.
Our Mission
The NC Agromedicine Institute promotes the health and safety of farmers, fishermen, foresters, their workers and their families through research, prevention/intervention, and education/outreach.

NC Farm & Ranch Stress Assistance Network
- Free Counseling
- Self-help Resources
- Free Training
NC Farm Help Line:

Migrant Housing Internet Connectivity
Migrant Housing Internet Connectivity grant provides reimbursement for internet services, equipment, and installation in migrant housing units.

Health and Safety for Specialty Crops
Mini grants support farms growing specialty crops by funding cleaning/sanitation equipment, portable hand washing stations, field sanitation stations, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and first aid kits.