Visitors at an event learn about eye safety

The North Carolina Agromedicine Institute welcomes the opportunity to provide research assistantships at multiple levels for undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students. The research assistantships will accelerate the ability of students to collaborate with leading scientists to explore the ecological, epidemiological, and community-based rural health and safety questions through application of ethical research methods in diverse agricultural environments. Research assistants are screened for interests and academic capabilities to design, implement, analyze, and report research findings as a valued member of a designated research team. Selection of research assistants is a competitive process and outcome measures will include regional, state, or national presentations as well as co-authorship in manuscripts developed for publication.


Need to complete service learning, volunteer or internship requirements for an undergraduate course? Contact us for more information.


The North Carolina Institute is not an academic unit but its faculty, staff and Members are affiliated with their own respective academic units or serve as Adjunct Faculty or guest instructors in academic courses. The Institute is in the planning stages for an on-line graduate certificate program in agricultural safety and health. To learn more about this opportunity, please contact the Institute at 252-744-1008.

In the interim, the Institute currently offers two academic courses:

Interested in completing an independent study, internship or other project with the Institute? Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

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Photo Courtesy of Rob Spahr
2019 Agricultural Health and Safety Symposium

Online Continuing Education

Check out the Institute’s dedicated online portal for agricultural safety and health continuing education at Current courses include:

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