NC Department of Agriculture

"The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) has partnered with the Agromedicine Institute since its inception and we are pleased to continue to provide support through our Pesticide Environmental Trust Fund. Members of our Department are active participants of the Agromedicine Steering Committee that developed the structure under which the Agromedicine Institute now functions. Currently, NCDA&CS participates in the NC Agromedicine Institute through membership on the Board of Partners. Through its representation on this Board, the Department continues to have an active voice in the strategic planning of research projects and programs to improve the health, safety and welfare of our farmers, foresters, fishers, their workers and families, in collaboration with the vast array of agencies that support them...".

"Under the direction of Dr. Robin Tutor Marcom, the Institute's leadership and partners leverage firsthand understanding of issues impacting the health, safety and welfare of those within our Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries industries with their commitment to public service and dedication to improving the quality of life within these communities, as well as within those communities impacted by these important industries. These partnerships have never been so important as during the past year in addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on our agricultural communities."

James W. Burnette, Jr.
Director, NCDA&CS, Structural Pest Control and Pesticides Division

"The NC Agromedicine Institute has been and continues to be a vital lifeline for my farm and business! This past year we have been hit hard during this Covid crises. The Institute reached out to me on multiple occasions offering help/supplies and encouraging words! Agriculture is an industry that many times is forgotten or left out of the mainstream. Thank you all for having our backs!!!"

Barham Family Farms, LLC

"North Carolina Agromedicine Institute has been instrumental in helping DL&B Enterprises keep our workers safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. Last season they provided us with items such as hand sanitizer, mask, gloves, and other items that were not easily obtained from other sources. I am proud to say with their help we had no outbreaks of Covid-19 on our farm in 2020 and we will be striving to do the same in 2021."

Linda Wilson
DL&B Enterprises Inc
Community Partners

"As an agricultural policy consultant, one learns very quickly to assess commitment, tenacity, and expertise. In 2020, Sherpa 360 partnered with the National Corn Growers Association to coordinate a national effort culminating in the Ag Wellness Alliance (AWA), a farmer-driven initiative to bring awareness, access, and advancement to support farmers and farm families find healthy ways to address stressors. The overall goal is to provide proactive resources through education and outreach as well as AgAware services and crisis support."

"Although there is a lot of activity, especially in recent years, in the space of farm wellness, there are few that rise to the acumen of the NC Agromedicine Institute. What has resonated the most is the grounded nature of the programs and assistance provided by these talented individuals at the Institute. Farmers, and by nature, farm families, are apprehensive to seek help when the unique stresses of farming, family and life cause unhealthy outlets, thoughts, and feelings. The program offered through the Institute are well positioned to really engage this community. Several of their initiatives could easily be replicated from state to state and further overall national goals to support our US farmers and farm families more fully. And to that end, NC Agromedicine Institute goes one step further – sharing information on their successes and challenges, as well as a willingness to learn from other programs. Their philosophy, approach and implementation are second to none."

Gretchen Flanley
President, Sherpa 360, LLC

"We have been honored and humbled by our partnership with the NC Agromedicine Institute, without which we would not be able to work to scale critical mental health and substance use support in rural communities across our state. The Institute has inspired, guided, and facilitated our relationships in farming communities as we take on some of the challenges related to access to health care."

Carla Obiol & Amelia Muse
Foundation for Health Leadership and Innovation
NC Cooperative Extension

"The partnership between NC State University and the NC Agromedicine Institute is both productive and rewarding. Through our statewide Extension efforts, the expertise of the Institute in farmer physical health, farmer stress, farmworker safety, and especially in COVID response is overwhelming. We simply do not have the resources or personnel within Extension in NC to do what we do without their collaboration. Dr. Tutor is a passionate and effective leader of this group who is always looking for more ways to contribute. There is never a no and there always is a smile. I am proud to say that I work with the Agromedicine Institute in NC."

Dr. Rich Bonanno
Associate Dean and Extension Director, NC State University

"I have been working with the NC Agromedicine Institute for years - Robin and her team have helped countless times to do health screenings for farmers at Extension events, helped instruct at Extension events, and served in any capacity to help in any way. As an Extension Agent, they have been a priceless help to me and to my clients."

Amanda Hatcher
Director, NC Cooperative Extension - Duplin County

"NC Agromedicine Institute is a lifeline for our farmers, fisheries, and foresters. NCAI is the trusted face of caring that brings health education, clinical assessment, and research for better outcomes for the entire rural community. NCAI make owners, operators, families, and workers matter with equity. NCAI staff care with love because they are part of the community."

Dr. Annette Greer
ECU, Brody School of Medicine - Department of Bioethics

"There is a common stereotype of agricultural work as wholesome and very safe -- maybe folks spent too much time watching The Waltons on TV -- statistics on agricultural injuries, especially to children, show otherwise. The NC Agromedicine Institute is at the forefront of organizations trying to make agricultural work safe for children ---- more like the TV version."

Dr. Michael Schulman
NCSU - College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences

"My short time at the Agromedicine Institute was impeccable. Dr. Tutor made me feel like my job as an intern was just as important as anyone else’s. The Agromedicine Institute gave me opportunities of outreach with institutions like American Foundation Suicide Prevention (AFSP). I was given the opportunity to collaborate with AFSP and create a module on the mental health status of veterinarians in North Carolina. I am forever grateful for the connections I made through my internship at the Institute."

Konnor Edwards
ECU-MPH 2020